Response Code |
Definition |
0 |
Unknown |
99 |
Pending payment - used in redirect processors prior to payment being received |
100 |
Approved |
110 |
Partial approval |
101 |
Approved, pending customer approval |
200 |
Decline |
201 |
Do not honor |
202 |
Insufficient funds |
203 |
Excededs withdrawl limit |
204 |
Invalid Transaction |
220 |
Invalid Amount |
221 |
No such Issuer |
222 |
No credit Acct |
223 |
Expired Card |
225 |
Invalid CVC |
226 |
Cannot Verify Pin |
240 |
Refer to issuer |
250 |
Pick up card (no fraud) |
251 |
Lost card, pick up (fraud account) |
252 |
Stolen card, pick up (fraud account) |
253 |
Pick up card, special condition |
261 |
Stop recurring |
262 |
Stop recurring |
300 |
Gateway Decline |
310 |
Gateway Decline - Rule Engine |
400 |
Transaction error returned by processor |
410 |
Invalid merchant configuration |
421 |
Communication error with processor |
430 |
Duplicate transaction at processor |
440 |
Processor Format error |