Loyalty Instructions
Verifone Commander Base 53
Featuring C-18 Screen Shots.
Please note, the instructions feature screen shots of the Verifone C-18 with Commander base 53.40. Any Verifone POS Type that has loaded Commander Base 53 can follow these instructions to load the Clark Crown “Save Every Mile loyalty Program.
Table of Contents
Key Support Contact Information. 4
Setup Loyalty – Logging On to Configuration Manager 6
Setup Loyalty – One-Time Password (OTP). 7
Setup Loyalty – Loyalty Host Address. 8
Setup Loyalty – Enable Loyalty. 12
Setup Loyalty – Enable Alternate Loyalty ID.. 13
Setup Loyalty – PIN Pad Idle Message.. 14
Setup Loyalty – Loyalty Configuration. 15
Setup Loyalty – Loyalty Card Configuration. 17
Setup Loyalty – Pump Message.. 20
Setup Loyalty – Initialize Pump Message. 21
Setup Loyalty – Setting Up Loyalty Reports. 21
Setup Loyalty – Completed.. 22
Loyalty Messaging Verification. 22
Test a Transaction at the Pump.. 22
Key Support Contact Information
Help Desk: 888-889-7829
Choose Option 1 and then Option 1 again.
Please have your store Service ID number.
ASM - Contract Services: 888-889-7829, Choose Option 1, then Option 2, and then option 5.
Techquidation (2D Scanners)
PDI (Controlscan/Echosat)
800-371-1118 Ext. 2 for assistance with installing or trouble shooting loyalty equipment.
800-317-1118 Ext. 3 for assistance with loyalty program support.
Velocity Logic Loyalty Contractor
Mobile App or Point Questions: saveeverymile@velocitylogicgroup.com
Clark Crown
Client Services- 877-GO-CLARK (877-462-5275) Ext. 9
Barb Nolan, Director POS & Products
Email: bnolan@clarkbrands.com
Phone Number: 630-940-7003
Mobile App or Point Questions: saveeverymile@velocitylogicgroup.com
Before You Start
Information Needed
- Verifone Service ID Number – This number is needed if you need to reach out to Verifone.
- Clark Crown 4- digit store number
- Verifone Configuration Manager Username and Password
Verifone Software
The recommended software version is the latest one that is available from Verifone but at least version 51.42.
The minimum software version to be able to use loyalty is 43.18 but has known issues that have been corrected in future versions.
It is recommended that you have a 2D Scanner to allow for scanning item barcodes and the loyalty ID within the mobile application.
The recommended scanner is the QD2590 or GD4590, which can be ordered from Techquidation.
Setup Loyalty – Logging on to Configuration Manager
Step 1: Login to the Cashier Workstation Screen
Step 2: Go to CSR Function (bottom right corner of screen)
Step 3: Go to Configuration Manager.
Step 4: Enter the Username and Password
Setup Loyalty – One-Time Password (OTP)
To update settings in the Configuration Manager, you may be requested to enter a one-time password (OTP). Your screen will show the following below. When this occurs:
Step 1: “Click” Generate OTP.
Step 2: Click “Generate the OTP “. This will generate a four-digit one-time password on the Commander. The four- digit one-time password can be found in the box on the lower right corner.
Step 3: Enter the four-digit number in the One-Time Password box and click Ok.
Result: After the One-Time Password is generated and entered in the One-Time Password window, the Local Area Network Configuration form opens.
Setup Loyalty – Loyalty Host Address
Step 1: Go to Initial Setup -> Local Area Network Configuration
Step 2: In this section, you will be generating a new route configuration within the Local Area Network Configuration.
Click “ NEW” Under the Device Specific Route which will take you to completing the new route configuration.
Step 3: Enter the Loyalty Device Specific Route information as outlined below:
Route Type: host
The Destination Field Enter
The Gateway Field Enter
Netmask Field Enter
Service Field Enter “Save Every Mile”
Once Completed the NEW Route Configuration Information should appear as depicted in the screen below.
Step 4: Click” Save”. The new Loyalty Device Specific Route will show up on the screen.
Step 5: Click” Save “at the top of the screen.
Setup Loyalty – Enable Loyalty
Step 1: Go to Payment Controller -> POS Configuration
Step 2: Select the POS Tab and” Click “the boxes as indicated below:
Step 3: “Click Save at the top of the screen.
Setup Loyalty – Enable Alternate Loyalty ID
Step 1: Go to Payment Controller -> EPS Configuration > EPS Global Configuration
Step 2: From the EPS Global Configuration “Click” the Loyalty Tab Configuration and click the boxes as indicated below:
Setup Loyalty – PIN Pad Idle Message
Step 1: Go to the PINPAD Message Tab of the EPS Global Configuration (Payment Controller -> EPS Global Configuration) and enter the information below:
Idle Message (Line 1): WELCOME TO [NAME OF BUSINESS]
Idle Message (Line 2): ASK US ABOUT LOYALTY
Swipe Message (Line 1): ENTER LOYALTY ID OR
Swipe Message (Line 2): INSERT PAYMENT CARD
Step 3: “Click” Save at the top of the screen.
Setup Loyalty – Loyalty Configuration
Step 1: Go to Payment Controller -> EPS Configuration -> PCATS01 Loyalty Configuration (if you have another loyalty program setup in PCATS01, select the next available PCATS number)
Step 2: In the Loyalty Configuration, you will need to set up the loyalty program with the following information within the red box. The information is below the screen pictured.
FEP Enabled: Check
Dealer ID: 30-####
(Enter the 4-digit Clark Crown store number such as 30-9997)
Program Name: Save Every Mile
Loyalty Offline Receipt Message: Loyalty Offline
Enable Barcode Scan: Check
Enable Card Download from Host: Do NOT Check
Display Loyalty FEP Offline to Hybrid Cards: Check
Communication Options
IP/Domain Name:
Port: 10200
Enable SSL: Do NOT Check
Heartbeat Timer: 300
Step 3: “Click” Save at the top of the screen.
Setup Loyalty – Loyalty Card Configuration
Step 1: Go to Payment Controller -> EPS Configuration -> Loyalty Card Configuration
Step 2: To Setup the Alternate Loyalty ID. Click the ADD button and then enter the ALT card information.
Card Table Index: ALT
Card Abbreviation: DA
Card Name: DLALT
Lower ISO: 0 (zero)
Upper ISO: 9
Pan Length: 10
Card Enabled: Checked
Accept Track 1: Checked
Accept Track 2: Checked
Accept Manual Scanned Entry: Checked
Hybrid Card: NOT Checked
Support FEPs
“Click” the Edit Button, select PCATS01 (unless a different PCATS number was chosen in the previous step.)
Hit Save!
Step 3: To Setup the Loyalty Card Range. Stay in Loyalty Card Configuration toggle to DL1 click the ADD button and then enter the DL1 card information.
Card Table Index: DL1
Card Abbreviation: DL
Card Name: DL#1
Lower ISO: 6852955
Upper ISO: 6852955
Pan Length: 17
Card Enabled: Checked
Accept Track 1: Checked
Accept Track 2: Checked
Accept Manual Scanned Entry: Checked
Hybrid Card: NOT Checked
Support FEPs
“Click” the Edit Button, select PCATS01 (unless a different PCATS number was chosen in the previous step.)
Step 4: “Click” Save at the top of the screen.
Setup Loyalty – Pump Message
Step 1: Go to Forecourt -> DCR Idle Screen
Step 2: “Select” the Idle Screen being used.
Step 3: “Select” an available button where you want the customer to select the Save Every Mile loyalty program. (This will display the loyalty message on the pump screen outside)
Step 4: Select the LOYALTY MANUAL ENTRY Softkey Type and enter “SAVE EVERY MILE” in the Softkey Text
Step 5: “Click” the Save button on the pop-up screen.
Step 6: Click “Save “at the top of the screen.
Setup Loyalty – Initialize Pump Message- (IMPORTANT)-Pushes Message
This step will push the updated DCR idle screen to the pumps. Before proceeding, please make sure.
that there are no customers at the pump. This step will not allow cards to be taken at the pump for
5 to 10 minutes.
Step 1: Go to Forecourt -> Initialization -> DCR.
Step 2 : Select All DCRs
Step 3: Select Okay
Setting Up Loyalty Reports
Step 1: Go to Reporting -> Report Configuration
Step 2: Select Day Part in the Configure Group List
Step 3: Hit “Edit”, Check Loyalty Report,” Click” done button.
Repeat Step 2 & 3 for Day, Month, and Year etc. (if you require the loyalty reports for those periods.)
Step 4: “Click” Save at the top of the screen.
Setup Loyalty – Completed
Congratulations, you have set up the Save Every Mile Loyalty program on the Commander. You can exit the Configuration Manager by selecting the Log Out menu option.
Now proceed to verify a successful installation as well as testing the Mobile APP.
Setup Verification- Determine if Loyalty Host is Online
Step 1: Go to the Network Menu (CSR Function -> Network Menu)
Step 2: Select Diagnostic Check Host Status. This should show that the Loyalty Host is online.
If the host is not online, this may be an indication of a communication problem, please reach out to PDI at 800-393-3246 for firewall issues, Velocity Logic for heartbeat, 800-228-0210, or Clark Client Services at 877-462-5275.
Loyalty Messaging Verification-
Pin Pad Messaging Confirmation.
Review the PIN pad(s) to ensure that it has the “Save Every Mile” Message and the Loyalty Alt. ID.
Forecourt Messaging Confirmation
Review all pumps at the forecourt to ensure that they have the “Save Every Mile” option on the Pumps as well as the ability to enter the Loyalty Alt ID.
Install the Mobile App on Your Phone for Testing,
The “Save Every Mile” mobile app can be downloaded from the app store on your phone. You can search “Clark Crown” or “Save Every Mile”. You can also go to www.saveeverymile.com for a link to the mobile app.
Once you install the mobile app and register for an account, an email will be sent to verify your email address. Please follow the directions on the email to verify your account. Once your email address is verified, you are set up on the program.
Test Rollback Transactions at the Pump
Perform a test transaction to ensure the loyalty program is properly installed and the price rollback is working correctly.
Select Save Every Mile at the pump and enter the phone number used to register on the Mobile App as the Loyalty Alt ID. You should see the price rollback. (You should not have to pump gas for testing)
Load or Create PLU’s or enter UPC for “Save Every Mile” merchandise specials.
Step 1: Perform Test Transaction on “Save Every Mile” merchandise specials.
Step 2: Scan items or test PLUs to ensure all specials are working.
Creating PLU/ UPC
To take advantage of the product offers within the mobile app, the product PLU/UPC codes must be set up. Below are the steps to create a new PLU/UPC.
Step 1: Login to the Configuration Manager
Step 2: Go to Store Operations -> PLUs.
Step 3: “Click” the Add button.
Step 4: Enter the following required fields:
PLU: Enter the PLU or scan the item.
Description: Enter a description of the item.
Price: Enter the selling price.
Sell Unit: Enter the unit amount, typically 1.00.
Department: Select the appropriate Department for the product.
Product Code: Choose the appropriate Product Code.
Taxes: Click Edit and select the appropriate taxes.
Step 5: Review the rest of the information and update as necessary for your location and for the product being added.
Step 6: Click Save at the top of the screen.
Perform Test Transaction on “Save Every Mile” merchandise specials.
Step 1: Scan items or test PLUs to ensure all specials are working.